

Media information about ILA Berlin

prepared especially for media representatives

Press releases


To the current press releases







Accreditation for the next ILA Berlin is expected to be possible in spring 2026.


Accreditation guidelines





ILA Berlin is one of the most important media events in Germany. We would like to provide all members of the press with comprehensive information about ILA Berlin Pioneering Aerospace and offer media-specific press materials for their coverage.


Britta Wolters
PR Manager ILA
Lucia Brücklmayr
PR Operations Manager
Ilka Dreimann
PR Operations Manager
Emanuel Höger
Press spokesman / Head of Division / Corporate Communication / Company group Messe Berlin

Dr. Patrick Keller
Head of Communication

Photos & Videos

ILA Berlin Media Database

These photos are intended solely for editorial use. Any use for promotional purposes is forbidden. Publication free of charge - copy requested, copyright: Messe Berlin

Media Kit

ILA Logo Pioneering Aerospace